420 Virginia Avenue, New Madrid, MO
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Youth Programs

The New Madrid County Family Resource Center helps the youth of the county succeed in school and prepare for adulthood. Through its various programs, young people make a difference in the community as well as their own lives.

4H/Youth in Action

Drivers Education

Division of Youth Services

Provides community-based services of non-residentially placed DYS youth who are living at home, in foster homes or independently. 

Missouri Mentoring Partnership Youth Mentoring Program

 "Mentoring Today's Youth for Tomorrow's Workforce"

Provides youth, 16 to 26 with positive employment experiences, mentoring within the workplace, and continuing emphasis on education with the goal of producing self-sufficient, law-abiding adults.

Participating businesses have many benefits such as obtaining a motivated pool of qualified applicants, developing a reliable source for a skilled workforce, reducing turnover and cutting training costs, screening potential employees and many more benefits. Your business can get involved by:

  • Offering youth an interview with entry-level possibilities based on potential
  • Provide monetary compensation for the young person's worktime
  • Match the youth to a worksite mentor
  • Serve on the Partnership Advisory Board
  • Providing a helping hand, listening ear, helpful friend, a loving heart!

Mentors are people who provide a young person with support, counsel and friendship by demonstrating a positive example with a focus on the individual's vision for the future.

Mentoring works! Kids involved in mentored relationships are:

  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs.
  • 27% less likely to begin using alcohol.
  • 53% less likely to skip school.
  • 37% less likely to skip a class.
  • 33% less likely to hit someone.

Calling All Mentors - give back to your community and your future - help mentor a youth in the right direction.  It only takes a small commitment each month to make a difference in the life of a young adult.  Call 573-748-5371 to sign up today!!!!

Youth in Action

A group of youth of all ages that work towards making the communities in which they live a better place. The youth have community service projects going on throughout the year in towns in New Madrid County. Projects include but not limited to:

  • Beautification of Neighborhoods
  • Adopt A Highway (look for our sign on Hwy 61 in New Madrid)
  • Adopt A Grandfriend
  • Fundraisers
  • Tutoring

Contact the New Madrid County Family Resource Center online or by telephone if you or your community would like to participate in such projects.  Contact 8am - 5pm Monday thru Friday